On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 12:54:53PM +0100, Pieren Pieren wrote:
> > FULL ACK - the current page is a PITA!
> >
> +1
> I restored the single page.

  The full page has got way too long to actually be useful.  In my
  opinion, it should include the main options for highways, perhaps
  the top 12 most used, and then a link to the rest of the key on a
  seperate page.  Some of the other useful keys (by which, again, I
  mean most used) could have 5 or 6 values detailed on the page and
  their own subpage for the rest of the values, but most keys should
  just be a link to a subpage with the detail.
  Do we really need a list of every type of shop in the world (and
  another with every type of sport) on the main map_features page?
  What purpose does that serve?

  I'll probably be shouted down by those who spend their time
  managing the wiki, but my practical experience when it comes to
  actually making maps is we need to keep it simple, and map_features
  has gone way beyond that.

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