I'll second that. When I'm mapping, I can narrow it down to a couple 
categories if I'm not sure which tag(s) (or if there is one) is/are 
appropriate. Having a single place to search where only tags are 
returned is a great tool.

Might I suggest a wiki page called Map_Features_All and one called 
Map_Features_Basic or Map_Features_Essential ?


Chris Hill wrote:
> I don't want to shout you down - this is the talk list, so lets talk.
> My experience from *mapping*, not managing the wiki, is why I like the map 
> features on one page.
> I use Find on this Page in Firefox to search the page.  I still have to look 
> at proposed features, where I use the same process.  The wiki search returns 
> too many hits to be useful.  But this is just my way of working.  If the list 
> of shops and sports were split off I'd get by, but I like it as it is.
> cheers, Chris
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Stephen Gower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Sent: Tuesday, 11 March, 2008 4:28:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Map_Features not loading
> On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 12:54:53PM +0100, Pieren Pieren wrote:
>>> FULL ACK - the current page is a PITA!
>> +1
>> I restored the single page.
>   -1
>   The full page has got way too long to actually be useful.  In my
>   opinion, it should include the main options for highways, perhaps
>   the top 12 most used, and then a link to the rest of the key on a
>   seperate page.  Some of the other useful keys (by which, again, I
>   mean most used) could have 5 or 6 values detailed on the page and
>   their own subpage for the rest of the values, but most keys should
>   just be a link to a subpage with the detail..
>   Do we really need a list of every type of shop in the world (and
>   another with every type of sport) on the main map_features page?
>   What purpose does that serve?
>   I'll probably be shouted down by those who spend their time
>   managing the wiki, but my practical experience when it comes to
>   actually making maps is we need to keep it simple, and map_features
>   has gone way beyond that.
>   s
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