Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Why not ditch the whole notion of "approved" features altogether. It  
> doesn't cut any meat in our community anyway. What does "approved"  
> mean, and who has the right to "approve" something?

Having an approved set of tags means that there is ideally 1, but 
certainly a small number of ways of tagging common features, rather than 
15 or 50. This makes it much easier for renderers, routing and other 
types of software, and much easier for people who are improving an area 
of map that someone else has worked on to figure out what they meant.

It also means that when a particular tag is used, it only has one 
meaning. Without some standardisation, does maxspeed=50 mean mph or kph? 
Or does it vary from country to country?

What is the difference between your argument and "Why have the notion of 
an "approved" set of HTML tags? The web is a collaborative community. 
No-one has the right to approve anything. We should all just use the 
markup tags that seem most sensible."?

> Right, generate it from the planet file and that's that. Maybe have a  
> wiki page that documents what the renderers do and at what zoom level  
> (ideally auto-generated as well).

Except that such a generated page would have no way of ordering and 
classifying the tags so that you could find the one you wanted.


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