On Apr 2, 2008, at 13:08, Cartinus wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2008 12:02:49 Robin Paulson wrote:

>> true, but as i suggested in a previous mail, i'm not sure why someone
>> would need to do this. if a user is importing another dataset which
>> needs attribution, they would likely be someone responsible/trusted,
>> and given temporary rights to add to the 'attributions' tag.
>> who else would need to edit it? i can't see a situation where anyone
>> would feel a need to delete and then re-create? what would they gain,
>> in real terms?
> You probably can't see the need because you are currently not  
> editing in an
> area that is peppered with nodes that contain a "source=AND" tag.  
> Why would a
> node that I moved a bit and changed into a "highway=bus_stop name=*"  
> still be
> attributed to wherever it was imported from first? Why would a lake  
> where I
> changed the east bank according to Yahoo aerial images or my own GPS  
> tracks
> still be attributed to wherever it was imported from first? Etc.,  
> etc., etc.

I may be missing something, but why would we need to introduce a read- 
only attribution tag if we already have it? It's the source tag of the  
first version of an object, in



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