On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         Andy Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Ah, I see the problem. You are taking a tag away from it's context,
>  > and then complaining that the tag has no context on its own. Only part
>  > of your argument is based around conflicts, but the rest seems to be
>  > context.
>  >
>  > How do I tell that name="The Duke's Head" refers to the name of a pub?
>  > I don't feel the need for amenity:pub:name= and highway:primary:name=
>  > in order to solve this issue. Instead, I examine the context of the
>  > original tag, and find that it is the name of a pub.
>  Because the name tag is always the name of an object, regardless of
>  what that object is (the amenity=pub tells you what sort of object it
>  is in this case). It is clear to everybody that a name tag is going
>  to tell you the name of something without having to know anything else
>  about it.
>  It is not clear to anybody outside a very specific community what
>  a tag called "french" is likely to mean.

Maybe "french" is a bad choice, and is colouring the discussion too
much. I don't think this choice of tag warrants namespaces though.

I look at the proposed "climbing:rock=limestone" and wonder to what
possible information the 'climbing' conveys, other than needless
typing. Surely it's just rock=limestone?


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