Oh well..

The 1st model has road points marked up; one node in the way per stop or
pair of stops, representing the place on the highway where the bus, stops.


The 2nd has a stop off the road, slightly, representing the pole or
whatever, ie the actual bus-stop.


I think that (option 2) is correct as we are representing a real object.
Some people think that it's a highway feature for routing purposes.

It depends, IMHO, if you are mapping for bus companies to route their
buses by (nah...) or everyone to find a bus stop (yeah..)
There is an issue about working out which direction the bus is going, vs
working out what road the stop is actually on.

There was a recent argum^h^h^h discussion about this on Talk.

BTW we seem to have slipped off list - sorry, my fault!


Jeffrey Martin wrote:
> We have high speed internet here in Korea, but the connection to
> anything outside of Korea is sometimes slow, so I use JOSM.
> I opened your links, but when I hit edit to see what the bus stops look
> like it seems to jump to another location.
> It's a real pain to get JOSM to download areas that you don't already
> have some data for.
> uggg.
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Mark Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Jeffrey Martin wrote:
>>> How am I supposed to do bus stops?
>>> If two bus stops are on opposite sides of the road then I think maybe
>> they
>>> can share a node?
>>> I found in some email that you can make little short service links. I
>> don't
>>> like that. The bus
>>> pulls over to the side of the road where I'm at.
>>> Sometimes they aren't exactly across the street from each other.
>>> Where I'm at there are lots of wood and concrete bus shelters.
>> You seem to have choices;
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.51855&lon=-1.81242&zoom=16&layers=0BFT
>> where Andy has been doing this longer than me;
>> or
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.61548&lon=-1.22417&zoom=16&layers=0BFT
>> which I like better.
>> Opinions vary.
>> Mark

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