I've made a decision for what I am going
to do.

If I wait until there is some standard way
it will be a hassle to find all these stops
later instead of putting them in now
with all the other data, and I might loose
my little scraps of paper.

Here's my plan of action. I'm going to put
a node on the exact location of each
bus stop offset from the way. I don't want
to loose that location data until I'm sure we
want to throw it out. Putting a node on the
way instead would essentially erase the location
of the stops and shelters.

If someone wants to come along later and put
a node on the way or make some kind of association
they can do that.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Andy Robinson (blackadder)
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jeffrey Martin wrote:
> >  >Sent: 24 April 2008 9:06 AM
> >
> > >To: Peter Miller
> >  >Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
> >
> > >Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Stops
> >  >
> >
> > >Some people advocate nodes off to the side of the way
> >  >to represent the location of the pole or shelter in relation
> >  >to the road.
> >  >
> >  >Near where I live (Korea) there is often a shelter on
> >  >one side of the road for buses going both directions.
> >  >In that case I'm guessing I would put a shelter node
> >  >on one side of the road and a node that is not a shelter
> >  >on the other side.
> >  >
> >  >How do I relate these nodes to the way? I don't
> >  >like the idea of short segments perpendicular to
> >  >the way.
> >
> >  Because a bus stop is a highway feature it really in my view should be
> part
> >  of it. And because we map what we see on the ground then logically if
> there
> >  are two bus stops not quite opposite each other then I place two nodes,
> one
> >  for each and tag them appropriately. Placing short links from a bus
> stop
> >  node placed off the highway to the highway itself is I guess fine if
> those
> >  links are tagged as highway=footway, but personally I think that's a
> lot of
> >  unnecessary effort and complexity in the map.
> Where as I think of bus stops as a pavement feature -- I really don't
> care which road it's on, that's the bus driver's problem ;-)
> I get the feeling we should be tagging both (if you can be bothered)
> and linking the two -- but I'd prefer this didn't happen with short
> footways... they come across to me as a bit fake. It's a virtual link,
> so just keep it virtual: bus_stops=here or something. Alternatively
> get out the relation box of tricks, but that might be unnecessarily
> complicated.
> It's certainly the better option than hacking someone's nice bus stops
> into your own preferred style, even if you aren't going to do it that
> way for new mapping.
> >
> >  The remaining issue revolves around the direction of the bus at a
> particular
> >  node. I didn't have an answer to this until I looked at what the
> signage was
> >  on my local bust stops. Now I find it easy to tag because each one
> tells me
> >  in which direction the bus is travelling (eg "towards Birmingham"). So
> I add
> >  a towards= tag and jobs a good un.
> This works! I generally find I need the help of a timetable to figure
> out if I'm at the right stop as it's quite normal for the bus to be
> heading in the wrong direction for the place stated if it's trying to
> catch another stop on the way, but given the whole route information
> you should be able to figure it out.
> > I'm not going to worry at the moment
> > about how I might use this tag to make bus route information, the
> important
> > aspect is that the data that's needed to work that out later is in the
> > database
> And lets face it, the moment someone actually starts using this data
> we'll probably decide to do something completely different anyway :-)
> Dave

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