On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Lester Caine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeffrey Martin wrote:
>  > I've made a decision for what I am going
>  > to do.
>  >
>  > If I wait until there is some standard way
>  > it will be a hassle to find all these stops
>  > later instead of putting them in now
>  > with all the other data, and I might loose
>  > my little scraps of paper.
>  >
>  > Here's my plan of action. I'm going to put
>  > a node on the exact location of each
>  > bus stop offset from the way. I don't want
>  > to loose that location data until I'm sure we
>  > want to throw it out. Putting a node on the
>  > way instead would essentially erase the location
>  > of the stops and shelters.
>  >
>  > If someone wants to come along later and put
>  > a node on the way or make some kind of association
>  > they can do that.
>  That does seem to be the sensible way of doing it, in the absence of any 
> other
>  guidelines. What of cause is missing is some means of relating it easily to
>  the way that then are actually linked to ?
>  A nice 'is_in' link to the 'unique_id' of the way so that one can actually
>  find all the bus stops on a route ;) Looking at the way things have 
> developed,
>  is there any reason we can't set a tag for is_in, and then select a way, so
>  that the key becomes is_in=#xxxxxxxx ?
>  I don't think Relations has the necessary structure yet to be useful here?

If you want to link two nodes together, then the easiest most obvious
way of doing it is to use a way. A way is an object that links two or
more nodes afterall.
If you want to link a node and a way, the a relation is your tool.
This is exactly what relations do, they link and relate objects -- the
advantage over putting IDs in tags is that any editor that supports
relations in general will know about the connection as will the API,
and the DB can maintain referential integrity so you don't end up with
hanging links.

You can do nice things with the API such as
http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/way/<way_id>/relations -- which
tells you what relations the way belongs to.


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