
> * Some people started tagging *and rendering* crossings, using a
> particular tagging scheme.
> * Some other people, who weren't actually out doing the work, started
> complaining about what was going on [1]

May I take this as a cue to suggest a complete overhaul of the whole  
RfC/vote/etc. process.

My suggestion would be.

Rule 1:

We never debate anything that has no practical relevance. If you do  
not have recorded the position of a shipwreck, then don't discuss how  
one would tag shipwrecks if there were any (for example). In fact, if  
you have no shipwrecks to tag and have never tagged any then it might  
be a good idea to take a very low-key position in a discussion about  
shipwreck tagging, if not to keep quiet altogehter.

Rule 2:

If you want to tag something and believe there is no suitable tag in  
use already (or just can't find it in the documentation), send your  
question/suggestion to the "osm-tagging" mailing list (to be created)  
and ask people how they are tagging these things or whether they  
think an existing tag might be suitable for this. (DO NOT make a  
complex proposal that includes 35 other things related to the one  
that you want to tag - if you have a shipwreck to tag then stick with  
the shipwreck and don't talk about how one could also tag buoys or  
fish farms.)

Rule 3:

If the list comes up with a suggestion (maybe an existing tag you  
overlooked) and you find that suitable, use it. If the list does not,  
within about a week after your initial question, come up with  
something that you find suitable, or if there's a lot of discussion  
and no results that are actually useful to you, then just select the  
option that makes most sense to you, or invent something new,  
document it on the "Map Features" wiki page, and go ahead using the  
new tag. You are the one who had something to tag, so you are the one  
who decides how it gets tagged - it is worthwile to listen to the  
others on the list, but don't let them take the decision from you.  
You are the mapper. Write to the list and tell them how you have  
resolved the issue.

Rule 4:

There is no voting, because the person bringing up a topic ultimately  


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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