2008/5/8 DavidD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/5/7 Robin Paulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >  using tagwatch is a good idea as a basis for proposals, but problems
>  >  arise when we have two ways of tagging the same type of item. how does
>  >  anyone decide which should be used? one must be more optimal than the
>  >  other. having two methods running concurently is crazy and pointless.
>  >  so we get back to voting again
>  No a very tiny minority get back to voting again. The proposal that
>  spawned this thread only has 10 votes so far and thats a good while
>  after hitting the mailing list.
>  You really think people are going to change tags because 8 random
>  people on a wiki voted for another set of tags? When practically
>  nobody bothers to vote and the losing side can just ignore the result
>  what is the point of voting?

well, it's not a matter of 'winners' and 'losers'

if i suggest something and then through the process of rational debate
and voting, the majority (it is a democratic community, after all)
decide my idea is not to be used, then i accept it and move on. how
childish do you think mappers are? everyone here realises that the
power of osm only exists through everyone working in the same
direction, which necessarily involves compromise

or, put another way:
"standards are important, regardless of how good or bad they are,
merely because they are standards"
i use the word standards in the broader sense of the word, i'm not
suggesting we submit for approval from ISO

no, they don't have to change tags, but if they disagree with the
debaters/voters, why don't they join in the debate? are they concerned
they will 'lose'? there's no score being held for who gets the most
tags systems approved
if their way of tagging is valid, then other people will accept their
system. if they can't be bothered/don't have time, and still want to
do something different to the majority (lots of people refer to
map_features, including users of josm and potlatch), then they're
ignoring the fact they are part of a community. they're free to do
that, but it fragments the project and makes things difficult for
others for no discernible benefit

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