On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Andy Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  My advice would be to document the predominant use of the tag first,

Putting my wiki skills where my mouth is:

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Key:crossing - hopefully
useful to show what's in the db as we debate the proposal. For those
interested in the nitty gritty, some SQL follows.


gis=> select crossing, count(*) from planet_osm_point where crossing
is not null group by crossing order by count(*) desc;
    crossing     | count
 toucan          |   180
 pelican         |   176
 zebra           |   122
 traffic_signals |   101
 uncontrolled    |    54
 island          |     7
 traffic_lights  |     5
 yes             |     3
 none            |     2
 puffin          |     1
 underpass       |     1
 no              |     1
 Zebra           |     1
 unclassified    |     1
(14 rows)

gis=> select count(*) from planet_osm_point where crossing is not null;
(1 row)

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