On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
> I totally agree. A map is basically a drawing, so the most important thing
> is the shape of the ways themselves. I would sooner say that the trivial
> part is adding the place-names.

No. Quite simply No.

The trivial part is clicking points on a photo to make a line.

The non-trivial part is the one where you get on your bike, go the
place you're mapping, find street signs, note where the road actually
starts and stops (looking out for changes of name half way down
streets), and noting down whether one road actually connects with
another. Or even frigging exists -- I've deleted at least one "road"
in the last week that was actually a row of gardens with 2m high
fences and a large electricity substation at one end -- although it
looks like Google made the same mistake (only they went a step further
and gave it a name).


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