On Monday 12 May 2008, Skywave wrote: > Freek recently created this image which shows how much of the AND data is > untouched: > http://www.vanwal.nl/osm/author_density_nl_20080502_full.png(warning 3 MB > image).
(Blue is untouched AND, green and red have relatively more changes by the community.) I also did an image showing the number of different (last) authors per area for a large part of Europe (untouched AND is not so interesting outside the Netherlands...): http://www.vanwal.nl/osm/density/europe_1000_080513_num_authors.png (6 MB) (Red is one author for all nodes covered by a pixel, green to blue depict an increasing number of authors, up to around 17.) Central London clearly has the largest number of contributions from different people. Secondly, I thought the average data age might show some interesting patterns (min. data age turned out to give rather noisy pictures). http://www.vanwal.nl/osm/density/western_europe_500_080502_avg_age_value.png ("Lava" colour map: black = old --> red --> yellow --> white = latest contributions, compare to the dark-red AND import for a reference, this was September 2007. Also note that dark colours have a second meaning: they depict low node density.) Now, London gets quite dark at some spots... More remarkably, this picture shows that data imports dramatically decrease mapping activity (or so it seems): not only the Netherlands show relatively little activity, also Osnabrück looks quiet (compare for example to the Ruhr area or the area between Brussels and Antwerp). Still, in my opinion, these imported areas are far from complete. I think pictures like these can give at least some impression of the current state of affairs, but a human-maintained measure for completeness is still necessary. -- Freek _______________________________________________ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/talk