Ulf Mehlig <ulf.mehlig <at> gmx.net> writes:

> Thanks, Frederik and Steve!
> I see Steve's point; especially coordinates at map borders within the
> browser window would most probably not enhance map display. However, a
> nice coordinate display like Frederik's wouldn't hurt, would it  Many
> thanks for the java script example.
> In respect to map *export* I still think that an option to create map
> borders with coordinates would be helpful. I did not find anything
> especially helpful in respect to rendering of map borders in
> mapnik/osmarender documentation. Can anybody give me a hint where to
> look, or an example how to render an OSM-based map with such borders?

+1 for corner coordinates, and there might be also an option to get coordinates
in the same projection and units than the map is having natively, that is,
spherical mercator.  Coordinates could be used for georeferencing the map. Image
with world file in a Kosmos way would do as well, or output in GeoTIFF format.

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