I think the word 'usable' is being used in a strange way. When someone says 
'adding the coordinates makes the map less usable' they mean 'Many people don't 
know what that funny number means and when people see something they don't 
understand, they feel unconfortable, so they are unlikely to visit this website 
I myself dont have a clear opinion on whether the coordinates should be there 
or not. Perhaps an intermediate decision: the coordinates would appear if the 
mouse keeps still for 2 seconds.
Apart from this, I'd like to congratulate the person who has taken the time to 
transform Spherical Mercator coordinates to longitude and latitude (bottom 
right corner in http://www.informationfreeway.org). I think that person should 
be asked to redesign the scale bar in http://www.openstreetmap.org)
And a question: nobody showed the difference between the Cape Town map on OSM 
and on Google Maps in the FOSS4G conference?


De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] en nombre de elvin ibbotson
Enviado el: mar 07/10/2008 9:28
Para: Steve Coast
CC: Talk Openstreetmap
Asunto: Re: [OSM-talk] map display www.openstreetmap.org

        From: SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Date: 2 October 2008 22:51:14 BDT
        Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
        Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] map display www.openstreetmap.org 

        On 1 Oct 2008, at 11:01, Ulf Mehlig wrote:

                Hello Frederik, thanks for your answer. The coordinate display 
                www.informationfreeway.org is what I was looking for. Wouldn't 
it be
                possible to integrate this function into the main OpenStreetMap 
site? I
                think this would definitely improve the attractiveness of the 
                display (even more, if degree-minute-second based coordinates 
                appear, too -- for many people, the decimal coordinates are not 
                they're used to).

        Just demonstrably not true. Most people don't know what co-ordinates 
are or care that they don't know. It would just clutter the map and make us 
look less usable.



It looks like fakeSteveC or someone is pretending to be you and posting 
elitist, patronising, condescending rubbish in an apparent attempt to make you 
look foolish. I look forward to it being demonstrated that 'most people don't 
know what coordinates are'.

elvin ibbotson

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