On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:01 AM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Johansson wrote:
>> pat=patuqutaujuq ==> natural=snow
>> pat=patuqun ==> natural=snow
>> pat=patpat ==> natural=snow
> Ah, the old story about the various Inuit names for snow, isn't it.


Sure it's a wonderful "urban myth", but do you know how many different
words for snow the Australian newspapers uses. Even though people try
hard to dispell that myth I'm pretty sure there is at least one of
those words for snow that fit this example from Chinese "早上好,表姐!"
which is "Good morning, my

You Loose Information by doing bad Translation.


> How about
> snow,slush,sleet, blizzard, drift, white-out, flurry, powder, dusting, 
> hardpack, crust

For me most snow would then have to be natural=snow, and I'm very
passionate about snow. But I didn't grow up thinking about snow in
English did I. This is about making maps not creating english tags for


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