On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Gustav Foseid <gust...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org> wrote:
> Actually the best we have is the actual tagging in the database. Works
>> wonderfully.
> I disagree.
> Can you show me how to make rendering rules (I am mostly interested in
> Mapnik, but any renderer will do as a proof of concept), which does not draw
> a border line along the coastline of Germany and at the territorial waters
> border of Germany?

Tagging the appropriate parts with maritime=yes or something would add
valuable semantic information about these borders.  It would also then make
it very easy for renderers to suppress them or render them differently.


> f you look at almost any non-OSM map, that be an Atlas of the World from
> you bookshelf, a tourist map of Europe or most (if not all) online maps, you
> will not see halos around islands and coastlines. This is not because the
> data to make them have been unavailable for the mapmakers, but because the
> mapmakers have made a choice not to show these borders or show them
> differently (perhaps as a thin blue line). If we tag maritime borders the
> same way as land borders, it will be very difficult for someone using OSM
> data to avoid drawing halos, with todays renderers I would even call it
> impossible. I think we should make it easy to follow long established
> cartographic conventions for general purpose maps using OSM data, and at the
> same time making it fairly easy to make a special purpose map.
>  - Gustav
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