On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Kærast <kaer...@qvox.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 08:08:05 -0500
> Adam Schreiber <sa...@clemson.edu> wrote:
>> I agree, there should be some slight barrier to entry in which the
>> mapper learns about communitty standards for adding data, especially
>> dervied data.  The reason Google's MyMaps can allow just about
>> anything is that it isn't added to the main map.  Even location edits
>> aren't pushed out until they're reviewed.  We need to decide whether
>> or not we will accept the burden of checking all edits made by drive
>> by mappers.
> So then can't we do something similar?  Add a big button somewhere
> linking to open street bugs, ask people where they are getting their
> information from when they add a bug, possibly give them the ability to
> add in more than a single node?

We certainly can, but that wasn't what was being discussed.  At the
moment IIRC, OpenStreetBugs isn't free software and we can't tightly
integrate with it as much as we might like because of that.



> Alice
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