On 2 Mar 2009, at 15:48, Ed Avis wrote:

> [I sent a message about this to the list last week, but it got lost  
> somewhere]
> Most of the individual country pages on the OSM wiki have a box on  
> the right
> generated using the 'place' template.  This gives a link to view the  
> country on
> the main slippy map and also to view it in various external 'lint'  
> tools such as
> OpenStreetBugs.
> I'd like to request that 'Keep right!' <http://keepright.ipax.at/>  
> be added to
> this list.  It checks various map errors, not all of which are  
> covered by
> maplint or the other tools.  For example, here is the report for the  
> Regent's
> Park area:
> <http://keepright.ipax.at/report_map.php?lat=51.53011&lon=-0.15456&zoom=15&layers=B0T
> >.
> I have contacted the maintainer Harald Kleiner <e9625...@gmx.at> and  
> he is
> enthusiastic for the site to be used.  Although the tabular download  
> can cause
> a high server load if downloading a large area, the slippy map is  
> limited to
> showing 100 error markers, so it is safe to link to at any size.
> At the moment 'Keep right!' has data only for Europe, because  
> running the
> check for the whole planet file would take two weeks.  But I suggest  
> linking to
> it now, and perhaps some better hardware could be sorted out later  
> to expand it

In Potlatch you can enter edit mode with a particular feature already  
selected. We do this with OSM Mapper and it works very well and  
Geofabrik do it as well. You should add this to Keep Right.

For example

There is also a way to do this with JOSM as long as it is already  



> to the whole world.
> --
> Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>
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