On Mar 5, 2009, at 3:34 PM, OJ W wrote:

Given that maps need to be regularly updated to stay useful, anyone
relying on a CC-BY-SA loophole will be just as SOL if we change the
license in a year as if we changed it in time for april fools, as
their update stream stops when the license changes.

that's my argument from community, which I made last january in a comment on the OSM blog -- that the license doesn't matter -- and if you try to separate yourself from the community, you just cause your own shunning -- which is how the Amish feel about it.

However, changing to a license before finding out exactly how that
license works is like taking out Russ's barn beams and letting the
structure fall onto untested supports.

Several people have made that point, including 80N and SteveC (and maybe Andy Allen -- but I'm too lazy to do the research). We don't want to wait too short a time before switching to the new license -- NOR too long a time. For better or worse, pro-bono lawyers are like open source programmers -- you can't make them work on a schedule. They work until they're satisfied with the result.

Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - http://openstreetmap.org/user/RussNelson

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