On Mar 9, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I am absolutely sure that the dataset in question will, like any other
> dataset on the planet, contain errors.

I agree.  But how to convince someone who doesn't agree?  I don't  
think words will convince; it will take data.  They need to have that  
"Oh, yeah, that was wrong, wasn't it?" moment.

> I maintain that it would be totally inacceptable to OSM to  
> automatically
> revert changes to objects that are deemed "immutable".

What about objects which were created_by=Potlatch?  :-)

Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - http://openstreetmap.org/user/RussNelson

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