On 09/03/09 18:25, Russ Nelson wrote:
> Earlier, I proposed that certain datasets should be immutable; whether  
> by policy or mechanism as needed.  I propose importing the NYS DEC  
> Lands as an immutable set of data.  If you read this exchange with  
> Robert Morrell, you can see why they feel that NO changes AT ALL are  
> appropriate.  I agree with them.  This dataset constitutes a legal  
> description of the property managed by the NYS Department of  
> Environmental Conservation, and changes by any OSM editor are not  
> consistent with the nature of the data.
> How do people feel about me importing this data (with all of their  
> metadata), adding an immutable=yes tag, with the intent of tracking  
> their dataset, and deleting --outright-- any changes made by OSM  
> editors.


What wouldn't be immutable? If I map a road. I might think "I know where
this road is, it doesn't make sense for someone else to change this,
I'll just make it immutable"

OSM is a wiki. Everything is editable.


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