Russ Nelson wrote:
>Sent: 09 March 2009 6:25 PM
>To: Talk Openstreetmap
>Subject: [OSM-talk] immutable=yes Fwd: DEC Lands
>Earlier, I proposed that certain datasets should be immutable; whether
>by policy or mechanism as needed.  I propose importing the NYS DEC
>Lands as an immutable set of data.  If you read this exchange with
>Robert Morrell, you can see why they feel that NO changes AT ALL are
>appropriate.  I agree with them.  This dataset constitutes a legal
>description of the property managed by the NYS Department of
>Environmental Conservation, and changes by any OSM editor are not
>consistent with the nature of the data.
>How do people feel about me importing this data (with all of their
>metadata), adding an immutable=yes tag, with the intent of tracking
>their dataset, and deleting --outright-- any changes made by OSM


>Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Robert Morrell <>
>> Date: March 9, 2009 2:06:13 PM EDT
>> To: Russ Nelson <>
>> Cc: Kurt Swartz <>, Larry Alber
>> >
>> Subject: Re: DEC Lands
>> Russ,
>>          There is no "creativity" in mapping or displaying of Public
>> owned land. This isn't art, it's legal land rights that impact
>> private land owners.
>> On what bases would someone with no formal training, no legal deed
>> description, or survey map have to determine if a State boundary is
>> correct or incorrect. Simply holding a GPS receiver does not give
>> someone authority.
>> Have you read the metadata on the clearinghouse? Read it. If you
>> have any questions, get back to me.
>> Robert Morrell
>> Senior Land Surveyor
>> Bureau of Real Property
>> Division of Lands and Forests
>> NYS Dept. Environmental Conservation
>> 625 Broadway
>> Albany NY 12233-4256
>> 518-402-9442
>>>>> "Russ Nelson" <> 3/9/2009 1:47 PM >>>
>> So to the best of your ability, the DEC Lands dataset reflects a fact
>> about the world, and there is zero room for creativity?  (I understand
>> why you might feel this way, so if you do, no explanation is needed,
>> just a simple "yes" -- to save you the effort of convincing someone
>> who agrees with you!!)
>> -russ
>> On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Robert Morrell wrote:
>>> Russ,
>>>        For anyone to edit this DEC spatial data other than DEC
>>> staff is absolutely inappropriate. This data layer is built using
>>> trained staff using survey maps and deed. If this is your intention
>>> I am asking you not to use our data. There are a whole host of
>>> issues here. For one, non-survey grade GPS accuracies very widely
>>> and can be hundreds of feet wrong. Secondly, sign location is in no
>>> way a indicator of the correct  boundary location. Third, sometime
>>> the Department may transfer in or transfer out land that may not be
>>> reflected in a timely manner on the clearing house data or new land
>>> have been purchased. I can go on and on.
>>> If you would like to discuss this further you are welcome to call me.
>>> Rob
>>> Robert Morrell
>>> Senior Land Surveyor
>>> Bureau of Real Property
>>> Division of Lands and Forests
>>> NYS Dept. Environmental Conservation
>>> 625 Broadway
>>> Albany NY 12233-4256
>>> 518-402-9442
>>>>>> "Russ Nelson" <> 3/9/2009 9:37 AM >>>
>>> I realize that it's not appropriate to edit the data, and in fact we
>>> can keep track of any changes, and either revert them if they are
>>> obviously incorrect, or submit them back to you if they seem to be
>>> legitimate.  Why would someone make a purposeful edit?  Perhaps they
>>> were out in the field with a GPS, and noticed that the signage
>>> disagrees with the map?  Of course, it may be the signage that's
>>> wrong, but either way it's an issue worthy of resolution.
>>> OpenStreetMap is a combination of imported data and user-generated
>>> data.  If you're familiar with Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap is very
>>> similar in concept, only for geodata.  Imported data goes into the
>>> map
>>> under its own userid, and all of your metadata is preserved.  If
>>> someone edits anything, it's recorded under their username, so we
>>> know
>>> who made the edit.
>>> The reason that I ask for permission is that data in OpenStreetMap
>>> may
>>> be further downloaded by users.  We have an API.  Anyone can make API
>>> queries for, say, a bounding box, and received a download of
>>> everything inside that box.  That would include the DEC Lands data.
>>> We try very hard not to infringe anyone's copyright.  No copyright is
>>> claimed in your metadata, but of course under the Berne Convention a
>>> copyright exists nonetheless, and we need your permission to be able
>>> to redistribute the data.
>>> On Mar 9, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Robert Morrell wrote:
>>>> Any data the Department puts on the clearing house is open to the
>>>> Public to download.
>>>> I see below you discuss "Anybody who makes additions  or
>>>> corrections to the data must share them with others."
>>>> It would not be appropriate to edit this data in any manor.
>>>> What kind of software is this?
>>>> Robert
>>>> Robert Morrell
>>>> Senior Land Surveyor
>>>> Bureau of Real Property
>>>> Division of Lands and Forests
>>>> NYS Dept. Environmental Conservation
>>>> 625 Broadway
>>>> Albany NY 12233-4256
>>>> 518-402-9442
>>>>>>> "Russ Nelson" <> 3/7/2009 9:59 AM >>>
>>>> Larry, is it acceptable use to import the "DEC Lands" dataset:
>>>> DSID=1114
>>>> Into OpenStreetMap?  I plan to do a full import of all your
>>>> metadata,
>>>> so that when you revise your dataset, I can re-import the data and
>>>> replace the existing data.
>>>> Note that the license on OpenStreetMap is Creative Commons
>>>> Attribution
>>>> Share-Alike.  That means that anybody who uses it must acknowledge
>>>> the
>>>> source (and I know that you want your office to be included there; I
>>>> will make sure that happens), and it also means that nobody can lock
>>>> the data up in a proprietary manner.  Anybody who makes additions
>>>> or
>>>> corrections to the data must share them with others.
>>>> --
>>>> Russ Nelson - -
>>>> -
>>> --
>>> Russ Nelson - -
>>> -
>> --
>> Russ Nelson - -
>> -
>Russ Nelson - -
> -
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