f...@rfc822.org [mailto:f...@rfc822.org] wrote:
>Sent: 10 April 2009 6:00 PM
>To: Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
>Cc: 'Frederik Ramm'; 'OSM Talk'
>Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] xybot
>On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 03:37:07PM +0100, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
>> >Sure - i just wanted to make the point that landuse=wood is a valid
>> >point for dissussion as its either landuse=forest or natural=wood -
>> >but landuse=wood is a "illegal" combination of key and value which the
>> >original poster either missed or didnt know.
>> Illegal?? Who's law?
>Have you seen the quotes? Law is usage and definition - and not YOUR
>but definition on bases of common understanding.
>I think you agree that its bullshit when i start mapping residentials
>as motorway and motorways as residential because i like the fat
>blue things more in my neighbourhood.

That would be tagging for the renderer, which is not the OSM way. The OSM
way is to tag what the object logically is as you see it.

>> Any tag is valid in OSM so if someone wants to use landuse=wood that's
>> entitlement. That doesn't stop someone later adding a landuse=forest or
>> changing the original to natural=wood but I wouldn't dream of doing
>> unless I knew exactly what the feature on the ground was.
>Its a matter of common understanding - landuse=forrest and natural=wood
>are in use and have been defined

Hold on there. Defined? defined by whom. If you mean its in map features
then that's cool because I put them there :-D
On the other hand Map Features isn't a rule book or a prescribed standard.
Its guidance on how you might like to tag. landuse=wood is perfectly correct
in English. It means it's a piece of land been used for managed woodland to
my mind. That's not the same as forest. It might not translate the same for
you but that's cool. I wouldn't be asking you to accept the tag is correct
in your eyes, but I am asking you to respect it could be in mine. 

>landuse=wood mixes those two up ...
>You are free to put any tags in the database as long as you dont expect
>others to agree ...

I don't, that's why we tag as we see it. Each mapper may see it in a
different way, but as long as some reasonable sense can be made of it we can
interpret in our own way.

>And in the above case there are a bunch of people who disagree with
>using landuse=wood. And it doesnt even fit the keys definition by
>which landuse means PEOPLEs use - Wood is not peoples use by definition
>of the value. So landuse cant be used with wood as from whats in the
>key and value description in the wiki.

Well, we can agree to disagree on that point.

>Buts thats just my POV so you are free to tag as you like ...

And indeed we will. That's exactly what OSM is all about.


>Florian Lohoff                  f...@rfc822.org             +49-171-2280134
>       Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little
>          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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