2009/4/29 Alice Kaerast <kaer...@qvox.org>:
> On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:25:20 +0100
> mle <i...@dynoyo.plus.com> wrote:
>> I was staying very near the east coast, and noticed that tracks near
>> the coast appeared too far inland (further west than expected) when
>> the GPS tracks were plotted.  They also seemed too far inland when
>> looking at the Yahoo background layer in Potlatch.
> Align the Yahoo imagery with your traces, as it's not always aligned
> correctly initially.  The imagery only ever gives an idea of what is on
> the ground, we don't the state of the tide when the imagery was taken,
> there may have been coastal erosion or sea rising/falling since then,
> etc.
> You seem confident that your traces are accurate, don't worry about
> editing existing coastline data if you believe it is incorrect.  And
> remember the coastline should show the mid-tide level.
> --
> Alice

Talking of the tide, How should Tidal Roads be marked, The main road
the Holy Island in the UK is just tagged Note: Tidal. which just does
not seam right. I'm thinking there must be quite a few Roads, Paths
etc that can only be used at high tide.

Not being anywhere near it I don't feel it right to correct it however....


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