On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Nic Roets <nro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My opinion is that all defaults should be global. We should not have any
> country or urban / rural specific defaults. It will mean most ways will need
> a lot of extra tags. So we may need to improve the editors to make it easier
> to add all those tags. For example give the editors modes like "Rural UK"
> where they apply the defaults when new ways are created.

and the editor should make it easier for the mapper by choosing the
mode based on the area being edited. there should be something in the
DB to help the editor choose whether an area is rural or urban and
which country and state the user is looking at. something like...
polygons and admin boundaries?

> But it will make it a lot simpler for mappers. If you see a "No Cycling"
> sign on a trunk road and want to compare it to the DB, then you don't need
> to think about where the country border polygon ends.

what would be even simpler is not to have to worry about it at all,
safe in the knowledge that wherever i put a road a sensible default
will be chosen by whatever routing software wants to know.

> None of the arguments against it (e.g. countries frequently changing the
> speed limit, larger planet file etc) hold any water.

so... frequently running bots over entire countries to change the
speed limit, or adding (by my count) about 20 million new tags to the
DB, or dealing with inconsistencies between different editors, etc...
that doesn't hold any water?

> But my views may no be shared by the community.

i hope they are not ;-)



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