Nic Roets schrieb:
> What do you do when the DB says "Main Street" and the sign say "North Road"
> ?

To make that decision, I need information from the ground and maybe some
intuition if I don't want to check the whole length of the street. But I
don't need to dust off my book of traffic laws. I think I didn't explain
my point well enough.

> [...] Use your discretion. If you know that a certain sign means
> "Schnellstraße" and traffic laws prohibit cycling on them by default, then
> tag it with bicycle=no

What I'm talking about is that you have two "ifs" here:
1) knowing that a certain sign means "Schnellstraße"
2) knowing that traffic laws prohibit cycling on them by default

Or, more generally, the mapper needs to know
1) how to identify "classes" of defaults
2) what the defaults are

I think 2) shouldn't be necessary. I'm sure that most people don't
really know what the default speed limits for hgv depending on their
weight on a rural road in Germany are (their vehicles aren't hgv, and it
has been a while since they passed their written driving exam).

They can, however, identify a rural road in Germany; and as the defaults
are clearly defined for them, 1) is enough.

Thus, what people find in their editor should be what they know about
and can check; not only when creating the road, but also later on. In
other words, there should be a tag for the "rural road" info (because
mappers know that), not for the individual defaults (because most
mappers don't know all of those).

> The point is that it's much easier for OSM member number 989431* to tag
> bicycle={yes/no} than it is for him/her to choose between 'primary' and
> 'trunk'.

That may be true for bicycle=*, but it certainly isn't for less common
information. Also, most people have problems choosing between highway
values because these don't match local road categories. They would have
less problems with values like those used by the traffic zone proposal
(DE:rural etc.) that are based on national categories.

As stated above, I'd certainly expect that it would be easier for
#989431 to tag "DE:rural" info than to tag maxspeed:hgv/goods, minspeed
etc. (unless #989431 is a professional hgv driver employed by that
logistics company we have started a cooperation with).

Tobias Knerr

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