On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:19 AM, Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de> wrote
> > But it will make it a lot simpler for mappers. If you see a "No Cycling"
> > sign on a trunk road and want to compare it to the DB, then you don't
> need
> > to think about where the country border polygon ends.
> So when I see that there is _no_ "no cycling" sign, but a bicycle=no in
> the DB, what should I do? Remove it? But it might be part of the
> country's traffic laws (and was therefore added by someone's editor in
> "Motorway Germany" mode). How should I know?

Firstly, AFAIK, there is no debate that motorway should imply bicycle=no

What do you do when the DB says "Main Street" and the sign say "North Road"
? Perhaps it's a long street that changes name at some point. Perhaps you
find out that "Main Street" was added by someone with a history of being
inaccurate. Use your discretion. If you know that a certain sign means
"Schnellstraße" and traffic laws prohibit cycling on them by default, then
tag it with bicycle=no

The point is that it's much easier for OSM member number 989431* to tag
bicycle={yes/no} than it is for him/her to choose between 'primary' and

* Yes, some people are contemplating having this many members !
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