On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:02:08PM +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > 2009/6/8 Stephen Gower <socks-openstreetmap....@earth.li>:
> >>
> >> The chapel of one of Oxford University's colleges, Christ Church,
> >> is also a cathedral.  A rather unimpressive cathedral, but a
> >> cathedral nevertheless.
> this means, churches should always be tagged by their highest possible
> rating.

Not if you think the data on every college chapel in the city might
need to be extracted. OK, this is exceptional, and you'd probably
just manually add in Christ Church's chapel if you wanted that
data. It is, as I said before, an edgecase, and I'm posting mostly
for the sake of interest, but it's not a heirarchical thing - the
building's role as College Chapel is distinct, important, and not
lesser than its role as cathedral.


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