We certainly need better solution than JOSM presets historic=wayside_cross and 
historic=wayside_shrine. But with your suggestion there would be hundreds or 
even thousands values for tag place_of_worship.

Maybe we should just differentiate on size and build type: building hosting 
20+ people, building hosting 1-19 people, built structure but person can not 
enter (wayside_shrine), simple marker (wayside_cross, painted signs) and no 
markings (it is just holy place). I guess we also should not forget tents, 
wooden shacks, ...
Such places could also be areas.

Big buildings are not necessarily more holy than smaller structures or even 
unmarked places. So marking some big building (cathedral) should probably be 
considered in categories tourism and additional historic for older buildings.

On Monday 08 June 2009 16:46:55 Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
> Tag suggestion:
> amenity=place_of_worship
> place_of_worship=parish chapel cathedral basilica church monastery convent
> retreat_house shrine abbey synagogue temple kingdom_hall jamaa masjid
> mosque pantheon etc.

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