On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> IMHO the highway-class is not about lines on the street, not even
> about width, these are all relative and dependant on local habits.
> It's about structuring your road-grid into different levels. From the
> top-level to the smallest footpath.

Interesting. I don't disagree with this, but I though I'd put in my
two cents - don't forget about verifiability. I think it is desirable
to be able to tag a particular way (by considering the characteristics
of that way only) without knowledge of the entire local road-grid. I
can only presume that this is why little examples like "lines on the
street" are given. If this doesn't apply in Australia, I think other
more appropriate *concrete* examples would be helpful, especially for
new mappers.

> > We might not be able to use exactly the same routing settings as in
> > Europe, but I'm pretty certain they are never going to work as-is
> > anyway, simply because things are different over here.
> this I don't understand. Can you give me an example? I would
> appreciate to have the same routing and rules allover the world, so if
> there's something you would consider relevantly (in terms of routing)
> different to Europe, you could name it and maybe there is a solution
> to solve it.

Please, don't tag for the router! Tag what's on the ground (e.g. go
ahead and call a street residential if it's a residential street, etc.
- these should be defined according to the characteristics of the ways
as they are on the ground), then leave the routing settings for the
router (e.g. in Australia, tell your router whether or not you prefer
residential streets to unclassified streets, etc.).

What's important when deciding how to tag ways is that they are
verifiable, and accurately describe the physical reality. If you do
that, routing (and rendering) will take care of itself.

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