I'd agree that it should be "importance" for
trunk/primary/secondary/tertiary. The stuff about not using trunk for
single-track roads just doesn't match what people are actually doing
(judging by some of the roads in the Western Highlands). The physical tends
to align to the importance, but what we actually tend to tag is the
importance (usually based on the type of signs).

However, motorway is physical, and many of the other highway tags are
defined in physical terms, or in terms of access rights. So the initial
sentence needs to allow for more variety than just "importance".

On the residential/unclassified question, I do tend to use
highway=unclassified for non-residential urban roads. I'm not entirely
comfortable using the same tag for industrial estate roads and narrow
country lanes (and it probably makes matters harder for renderers than
necessary). Perhaps the solution lies in qualifying unclassified roads with
an abutters tag when it's used in towns.

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