On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> 2009/8/1 Christiaan Welvaart <c...@daneel.dyndns.org>:
>> On Sat, 1 Aug 2009, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> Well I disagree. IMHO we should tag what is 'on the ground', not invent
>> things or try to tag what's in people's minds. If a government body gives a
>> road it maintains some importance (or class/type) we should tag it
>> accordingly.
> yes. We should tag the importance it receives. But that's what this is
> about. Class and type put equally aside are not helpful in this
> discussion. Classes there are also in law more than just
> administrative classes. Maybe you can read German, so have a look at
> this:

I don't see what you're saying here. Do you have a complete text to 
replace the intro text on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway ?

Maybe the following helps a bit (derived from the current text):

There are at least 4 attributes of a road that can be used to determine 
highway types:
1. the physical attributes:
   a. number and surface quality of the regular lanes
   b. signs for access, right of way (yield), road type, etc.
   c. whether there is a separate cycleway along the road
   d. presence (and programming) of traffic lights
   e. whether buildings are at the road (addresses)
   f. whether buildings are near the road (within X m)
   g. how access points/crossings/etc. are built
2. intended use/function
   Roads usually must be built and maintained. The people who arrange
   this construction work need to have some idea of the function of each
3. actual use
   Must be measured, usually written as number of vehicles/day,
   differentiated by:
   a. vehicle type
   b. local/regional/other traffic
4. who funds road maintenance

IMHO we are already tagging intended use (2.) often by looking at the 
pysicial attributes (1.) so it would be nice to have this described on the 

> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stra%C3%9Fenkategorie

This seems to be based on the same 3 categories as in The Netherlands, 
and then further subcategorized. The 'Verbindungsfunktionsstufen' might be 
useful for tagging.


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