2009/8/10 John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>:
> --- On Mon, 10/8/09, Martin Simon <grenzde...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> makes, at least in Germany, a big (legal) difference...
> That isn't the case in other places, in some states of Australia you are 
> allowed to cycle on foot paths, but the primary purpose is for pedestrians 
> and they have right of way over cyclists.
> In other areas there are cycle paths and pedestrians are allowed but they 
> aren't the primary users intended to use the way and cyclists mostly use 
> them. So yes there would be information lost by simplifying things in the way 
> you describe.

Well, I don't see why highway=path + proper access/designation tags
can be a simplification compared to a simple "cycleway" or "footway".
For your footway example, I would suggest either highway=footway,
bicycle=yes or highway=path, foot=designated("this is intended for
pedestrians by law"), bicycle=yes("bicycles are also allowed to use
this way, but only as guests").

We have this kind of footway (among other variants) here, too.

>> Information loss, no difference, no problem. :-)
> That might be true for Germany, but it isn't for other parts of the world.

No, this can be used everywhere. :-)


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