On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 2:39 PM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm in agreement with Tom's suggestion of a working group, however they 
> should have the ability to make decisions they come to stick, true 
> democracies fail from everyone having their own agendas.

Define "stick" i.e. no one can force people to tag in a certain way,
so what are you referring to? Just the wiki or something else? This
worries me a bit...

> Outline the responsibilities and such of the working group, ask for people to 
> nominate themselves, have a limited number of positions on the working group 
> and they act to filter all future proposals, anything that seems reasonable 
> should be discussed, properly worked out.

This sounds fine. Basically what seems to be going on here is that,
firstly, if someone is given a "role", there is an assumption they
will provide a more valuable contribution. And secondly, that this
structure will provide more useful discussion than the completely
unstructured solution at the moment - the emailing list. Seems

> Once there is a formal proposal it should be put out for a comment period in 
> which anyone can discuss their thoughts on the matter, and from this either 
> the proposal is refined or moves to become official.

Doesn't seem to be any different to the current situation. I guess it
comes down to what you mean by the ability of a working group to "make
decisions stick".

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