Disclaimer: I'm new to the OSM mailing lists, so hopefully I didn't
screw up my email :D


I must say that I find both "Relation:type=stop" and Roy's ideas
interesting. The former suggests that we abstract reality away while
the latter suggests we mirror reality in OSM.

Mirroring reality will always result in more precision, but there is
often a tradeoff for simplicity. For instance, OSM maps multi-lane
roads with a single way. Although mapping individual lanes would
result in a map closer to reality, there are few benefits and the
work required for mapping, rendering, and routing would be

Unless there are a number of benefits that arise from knowing the
precice location of a stop sign it seems more reasonable to use
relations for this job. They're slightly easier to map (no precision
surveying required) and far easier to get software working with. The
one downside I can see is that you loose the ability to know exactly
WHERE a sign is -- information that I'm hard-pressed to think of a
use for (not to say that there isn't a use, mind you).
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