John Smith wrote:
>> No, Roy wants to tag the semantics of the stop-sign. If this really
>> simplifies the task of the data consumers, it's all the better.
> It seems the problem Roy is trying to solve is to seperate lanes out,
> of a dual direction way by use of a relation and pitting it against a
> near by junction, where this isn't the problem the needs to be solved,
> each lane may have individual restrictions of one sort or another, now
> instead of having 1 hacked up solution we now have 2, to describe how
> a stop sign effects one lane out of a pair.
> The problem that needs to be solved is tagging individual lanes on a
> way, regardless if the issue is a stop sign, different lanes have
> different speed limits, different lanes having turn restrictions or
> what ever the case may be, the problem is needing to tag individual
> lanes.

This does bring up a few more combinations that are not currently
covered. I've had a couple of runs over to Milton Keynes in the last
couple of days, and GETTING into the correct lane even to go straight on
can be a problem, with the outside lane of a pair forcing a right turn.

Slip lanes, splitting from 3 to 4 lanes with left and right filter lanes
and road markings that give different priority depending on which
direction you enter the junction from are all a lot more complex than
the simple stop sign problem :)

Traffic navigation that can warn you that you need a particular lane
would have prevented a couple of potentially nasty incidents! But then
there will still be people who can't wait anyway and will just plough
into the rest of us :(

Now is probably the time that we need to lay out a set of guidelines for
micro-mapping the complexities of the road system ( and I have already
ranted about the pedestrian aspects of that ) from a simple country
crossroads where there is a single main road, and a minor cross road
with stop signs ( and no separate pedestrian areas ) through to the 6 or
more road roundabouts with complex slip/giveway and traffic lights along
with identified pedestrian routes through the junction.

Relations may be useful in some instances, but I don't think that they
replace the need to BE ABLE to more accurately map the situation on the
ground? And we may be approaching the situation where lanes=2 -> lanes=3
is simply not an answer and every lane will need to be mapped?

( And I still think that complimenting highway=trunk with footway=? in
this micromapping level makes more sense than additional highway=path
for the pedestrian element of this )

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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