On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:18 PM, John Smith<deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/8/28 Norbert Hoffmann <nhoffm...@spamfence.net>:
>> No, Roy wants to tag the semantics of the stop-sign. If this really
>> simplifies the task of the data consumers, it's all the better.
> It seems the problem Roy is trying to solve is to seperate lanes out,
> of a dual direction way by use of a relation and pitting it against a
> near by junction,

Pretty much. Not necessarily by use of a relation (my suggestion above
was a tag only). But yes - the concept of direction is necessary for a
stop sign because, as I said before, stop signs are generally not

> where this isn't the problem the needs to be solved,
> each lane may have individual restrictions of one sort or another, now
> instead of having 1 hacked up solution we now have 2, to describe how
> a stop sign effects one lane out of a pair.
> The problem that needs to be solved is tagging individual lanes on a
> way, regardless if the issue is a stop sign, different lanes have
> different speed limits, different lanes having turn restrictions or
> what ever the case may be, the problem is needing to tag individual
> lanes.
> We should not be tagging stop signs and junctions with a relation that
> doesn't solve the bigger issue. Stop signs stop you from entering a
> junction and are before the junction and that's how they should be
> tagged, however in this case traffic coming from the other direction
> and in the other lane isn't effected by any stop sign.
> If we could tag lanes instead of ways this would be a no brainer, just
> another speed bump of sorts, and in fact some speed bumps only effect
> one lane, and they can be in pairs but at different positions on a way
> and I bet they aren't being tagged properly either.

So what are you proposing? How should we tag stop signs? To me, it
seems you are suggesting that stop signs should *only* be tagged on
ways that are oneway=yes. What are you proposing?

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