2009/9/17 Lennard <l...@xs4all.nl>:

> If those relations get flattened into a planet_osm_line geometry, you have 2
> (or more?) for the same stretch of road. One for the shields, another for
> the name. Join them up in a query, or split shields and names handling
> everywhere and take what you need from the relevant geometries.

Yes, but the information differs.

> OTOH, if osm2pgsql will only run some queries and let postgis handle the
> stamping of features with a proper field to filter on in the stylesheet, it
> can be done at the end of the import. The challenge to this method is in how
> to handle diffs. You wouldn't want to run through every geometry in your
> database everytime you import diffs, but only the changed ones.

It should be possible/best to do it at the end of an update/import and
just tag as needed.

> One more issue I see is what to do with features that cross these
> boundaries? Which style will/should they get? Should the import split them
> into 2 features, each on one side of the boundary?

I would, although I don't really have to figure that out with
Australia being an island and all :)

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