Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
> El Sábado, 26 de Septiembre de 2009, k...@vielevisels escribió:
>> I had the idea to contact the tourist office [...] What do you think of the 
>> idea? 
> It may work, it may not work.
> Some tourist offices may want to do their job and promote the city and the 
> services and amenities it offers. On the other hand, however, some tourist 
> offices may want *their* tourism web portal to be the *only* source of 
> information for the city.
> (Which is a pretty stupid thing, given that tourists ought to know all the 
> local web portals when preparing a trip, instead of going to e.g. OSM or 
> Wikitravel)
> So, good luck ;-)
I have to concur with Ivan. Whenever I've travelled the English tourist 
board appears to have a limited number of hotels on its books, usually 
of the middle to expensive variety.
Does anybody know if they work on commission?

Also with the credit crunch, so many tourist amenities are 
opening/closing & even reopening! it's hard for anyone to keep up. If a 
hotel is going out of business the last thing on the owners mind is to 
'phone up the local tourist board.

Best thing is to walk around your home town collating info & hope 
there's an equivalent in the city you next want to visit.

Dave F.

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