Dave F. wrote:
> Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
> (Which is a pretty stupid thing, given that tourists ought to know all the 
> local web portals when preparing a trip, instead of going to e.g. OSM or 
> Wikitravel)
    I dunno.  That kind of site is usually a site for sore eyes.  If 
they've got the attitude that "we want our site to be the only source of 
information about our area" it means that they don't get the web and 
that the site isn't going to be a good source of information.
> I have to concur with Ivan. Whenever I've travelled the English tourist 
> board appears to have a limited number of hotels on its books, usually 
> of the middle to expensive variety.
> Does anybody know if they work on commission?
    In a lot of places the "Tourist Office" is actually (or practically) 
a cooperative sponsored by certain businesses,  generally the larger and 
more expensive ones.  This is true of restaurants as much as it is of 

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