On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com> wrote:
> Dave Stubbs wrote:
>> I wouldn't read too much into it, especially as they said,
>> "we’ve almost certainly got at least some of it wrong but hopefully we
>> got part of it right and can correct the rest as we go"
>> Dave
> You see, this is the problem. I don't think, in this instance, they've
> done anything wrong. This is an OSM cock-up.
> I think it's quite selfish to expect others to pick up the pieces of,
> what I see, as lazy implementation.
> Who, within OSM & in their right sense of mind, would object to being
> forced to use just Yes/No. I mean it's just an on/off switch!

This is more about making it easier to edit than anything else.
Currently users have to type stuff in or use some preset entry
mechanism which doesn't really present the data to the user afterwards
and allow them to edit it. Historically users had no option but to
type values, and so you get this variation.

In the future I'm imagining users are going to be using much more
friendly interfaces to edit the common tags, and these interfaces will
tend to normalise the values a little.
See the developing potlatch 2 for the kind of thing I mean:
(click on ways to see the tag editing interfaces)

But anyway, yes, there's some variation that data users will have to
deal with, but that's just the way it is.


PS. anyone notice the Potlatch 2 plug?! Any AS3/Flex developers around
who want to help out?
Code is in svn at:

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