SteveC wrote:
> On 30 Sep 2009, at 16:14, Russ Nelson wrote:
>> SteveC writes:
>>>> Yeah, OK Dave, we've got the message, you don't free-format tags.
>>>> Unfortunately you're going to have to get used to it, because it
>>>> is the basis of the OPENstreetmap and, in my opinion, one of the
>>>> reasons it is as successful as it is.
>>> +1
>> -1.  Don't confuse anarchy with chaos.  SteveC is our leader (and
>> should behave as such by Giving Advice), but he's only our leader so
>> far as he gives Good Advice.
> It turns out I'm still allowed my opinions, and y'know given that I  
> designed and implemented freeform tags... I think I'm allowed to  
> promote them.
Free form Tags - Good, duplicate/irrelevant data - Bad.

Dave F.

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