On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Carsten Moeller <cmindivid...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I do agree. Railways, aerialway etc. should be connected to highways.
> But this should not be expressed by connecting same nodes. Here ramps or
> links come into play. If you have a closer look at todays OSM-Data

I think there is a general need here to express "connections"
separately from the ways themselves. In the case of bike paths (sorry
to be a one tune band), They frequently seem to pass very near a road
without there actually being an explicit piece of pavement connecting
them. You want to map this "connection", but if you draw a
"highway=cycleway", you're mapping something that is not technically

Something as simple as "path=none" might suffice in a lot of
instances, to indicate that a connection has all the other qualities
of that way, but there is nothing to see physically. Whether or not
such a thing should be rendered on a map is another, interesting


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