2010/4/11 Kirill Bestoujev <bestou...@gmail.com>:
> I'm a member of that team. I.'m one of those who voted for changing the
> rules of mapping military in Russia. The reason for that was NOT the
> problems to OUR project, but problems to the possibility to legally use OSM
> in Russia.

It's nice to have someone from the PocketGIS team on the list. We'd be
very happy to work something out with you so that you can use our

I'd like to suggest that you take down the forum post pointing people
to mass-vote on the OSM wiki. How we decide things as a project isn't
a function of how many people you can convince to mass-register for
the wiki.

> We (PocketGis team) are currently making some efforts to prove to our state
> authorities that OSM data can be used by anyone, in any way. This is only
> possible if that data contains nothing that violates Russian legislation.

As far as I can see from your website (via Google Translate) you're
making a car navigation system where the user can't edit the OSM data.

Why do you in that case need to prove to the state authorities that
OSM is OK as opposed to *your map data* which is derived from OSM?

> By the way - the author of the originating e-mail is not a Russian
> citizen...

Neither am I. I don't see how that's relevant to a global mapping
project. Especially since there's the underlying issue here of how we
deal with these sort of issues in general, not just in Russia.

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