At 2010-05-31 10:57, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>Anthony wrote:
> > By these definitions, something that is able to be confirmed as true or
> > false in an official online source is actually *more* verifiable than
> > something written on a street sign in a place where Google Street View
> > has not yet visited.  It certainly is verifiable, and it is not
> > necessarily "on the ground".
>Something that is available from an official online source but not
>verifiable on the ground should not - in my personal opinion - be
>included in OSM.

When something looks "suspicious", though, and you find out that the sign 
is wrong, I believe it is reasonable to note that for recheck, in case the 
sign gets fixed. I have found such errors and told the relevant 
authorities, all of whom indicate that they will fix the sign. I use name, 
loc_name, official_name, note, and FIXME, to handle the various names and 
notes, usually using name for the signed name (or the "more correct" of 
them, if the signage is inconsistent).

>But OSM is not a "mirror" for official data.

I suppose then, it is a mirror of the mirror of official data (that being 
the signage), which doesn't sound good, does it?

>I don't want data that
>OSMers cannot work with; such data would only be in OSM for ease of
>retrieval, and I don't view OSM as some data dumpster for the world's

Agreed. Most bulk imports to an existing mapped area should be discouraged. 
Even TIGER09, which looked much better than earlier data, still has 
significant problems. I only use it in small areas of new development, and 
even then, it takes a lot of work to connect with existing data.

Alan Mintz <>

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