On 18 June 2010 14:10, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> So the first question has to be: How do we enable / motivate people to
> fix bugs in the map - not how to easily report them!

I would say that... it's probably possible to identify a small number of
edit operations that would give great benefit (i.e, 20% of the editing gives
80% of the value, in typical Pareto style!).  For example, "add an address
as a housenumber for an existing street" or "add a name to an un-named
street", etc.  The existing editors (and I include Potlatch, JOSM and MapZen
in that) are powerful and well suited to users who understand mapping and
OSM *and* are motived to deal with the UI complexity, but are not at all
well suited to generalist users who want only to make small, simple edits.
 Providing simple, targeted UI support for making such edits would address
the first part of Ulf's comment - enabling people.  Motivation is another
question, of course, but the easier it is to make a small but helpful
contribution to OSM, the lower the motivation level has to be for your
average user to decide to do it.


Ben Last
Development Manager (HyperWeb)
NearMap Pty Ltd
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