2010/9/4 Zeke Farwell <ezeki...@gmail.com>:
> I've been thinking about layers for a while.  In OSM we do not use layers
> for different types of features as one would in traditional GIS.  I suppose
> the benefit of this is simplicity, but in very dense areas, things can get
> very cluttered and hard to edit.

yes, but it get's even harder when the information is split over
several layers and you do edits without even seeing the data, because
it is on a different layer. How could you maintain integrity and

> Physical - everything that is verifiable by going somewhere and looking
> around.
> Non-Physical - administrative boundaries, nebulous place names, landuse (not
> land cover which is physical).

I agree for administrational boundaries, but all the rest is belonging
together, be it landuse or place names, this all belongs to specific


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