the ArcGIS osm editor can handle layers, and from what i heard (wiki
page review) that is works well.

IMO generally, osm works as a flat sheet of paper, were people of all
skill levels can work on the map at the same time.

So having osm like a complex arcgis editor, makes it harder for the
general users to use, even josm is very difficult for the standard

So the simpler the better, AFAIK

I agree, having a standard set of key/value pairs across all
eis/renders would help everyone, including a predefined list in the
filter box.

Which is why im working on that effort, i'll include getting a top 50
or so set of tags that are most popular and could be used for the
filter presets.


On 9/4/10, Zeke Farwell <ezeki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 3:32 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
> <dieterdre...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> yes, but it get's even harder when the information is split over
>> several layers and you do edits without even seeing the data, because
>> it is on a different layer. How could you maintain integrity and
>> topology?
> I think it could be harder or it could be easier depending on how it's done.
>  If you allowed ways on different layers to share nodes then it would be
> quite possible to edit an object on one layer and modify an object on
> another by accident.  Not good.  For this reason I would want layers to be
> completely separate.  As long as they are separate and represent different
> types of objects that don't need to be connected then I don't really see any
> problems.  But if the community at large has decided against layers in the
> past I'm interested to hear why.
> Zeke

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