Am 10.01.2011 18:11, schrieb Martijn van Exel:
Yes, that is exactly where a semantic layer would come in! For
example, I would tag a feature in a semantics-enabled JOSM in my
native language, Dutch, as "provinciale weg". A lookup in the ontology
would expose an ambiguity: a provincial road could be highway=primary
or highway=secondary, depending on the road number. Human
disambiguation would be required, the attributes of the semantic
relation between 'NL:provinciale weg' and 'highway=primary' and
'highway=secondary' could provide a clue to do this. In other cases,
it could be automated based on the context. For example, if the road
number was already entered by the user.
I think, it's a good idea to think about semantic layers for OSM, but not for the editing side of the API.

There are a few issues where this would work - like the one you mentioned, like the translation of highway=living_street to "Spielstraße" in German or highway=pedestrian to "Fußgängerzone". But there are a lot of other issues much more complicated - and on top of that much less unified in meaning.

A lot of threads here, at the tagging mailing list and so on show problems with the interpretation of a tag - even staying with some not-absolutely-defined-kind-of English as base language. If you look at talk-de there are some threads about translation possibilities for JOSM presets.

I don't remember much issues there where it was perfectly clear how to translate any tag. Even drinking_water was discussed with multicultural scope to the definition of what water you can drink (with/without boiling it before).

I fear, the definition of any "official" layer dealing with the translation will make these misinterpretations even harder to resolve as I'm not pushed to think about the meaning of a tag before using it.

Providing something like that as a translation table or multilanguage ontology is nevertheless a good idea perhaps; to give developers a starting point for translation of features on the one hand, and for understanding of the implicit ontology the tagging builds.


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